Continuity Of Care
As an Endorsed Midwife, I provide consistent, personalized support throughout your pregnancy and the postnatal period. This seamless care of you and your little family enhances both physical and emotional well-being during the entire childbirth journey. Your GP and the Hospital receives copies of al investigations, plus periodical progress reports.

Management Fee A
This includes the following:
-Comprehensive Midwifery care throughout your pregnancy
-All Classes: Birth Prep, 'The Real' Breastfeeding Course & ‘Baby BootCamp’ (incl. CPR & 1st Aid)
-Bedside Scans & CTG's
-Referrals for all investigations
-Traveling Cost for Postnatal Consultations (within a radius of 20km of Cairns City);
-Professional Letters & -Reports
-Lactation Support
Management Fee B
includes the following:
-Comprehensive Midwifery care throughout pregnancy
-Bedside Scans & CTG
-Referrals for all investigations
-Traveling Cost for Postnatal Consultations (within a radius of 20km of Cairns City)
-Professional Letters & -Reports
-Lactation Support
Individual classes may be acquired individually, as set out under 'Courses'